Over 9,300 developers are using Ellipsis to merge pull request an average of 13% faster 🚀

Ellipsis is an developer tool that automatically reviews pull requests and fixes bugs on them.

It’s like giving every software engineer a second pair of eyes to spot problems, and second pair of hands to fix them. 🙌

But that’s not all. Ellipsis can also generate summaries of pull requests, create implementation plans, answer questions about your codebase, create release notes/changelogs, and more

AI Code Reviews 🤖

Simply open a pull request to get a deep, LLM-powered code review within 3 minutes. Ellipsis will catch logical errors, anti-patterns, security issues, spelling & grammar mistakes, documentation drift, and more.

You can even have Ellipsis enforce your team style guide, like this project. For example, you might add a rule like “Make sure new code has corresponding unit tests.” Ellipsis will subsequently leave reminders on any pull requests that try to submit untested code.

Start a free trial

Click here to start a free 7 day trial of AI Code Reviews & Bug Fixes

How does Ellipsis fix bugs? 🐛

When Ellipsis finds a problem, it’ll leave a comment on the offending line, just like a human would. Then, you can leave a comment tagging @ellipsis-dev to have it generate code to fix the bug. This allows you to write working, tested code right from the GitHub UI!

Internally, Ellipsis actually tests the code it writes by building your project, running the unit tests, linter, etc. 🆒

How well does Ellipsis work? ❓

Very well. State-of-the-art LLM’s aren’t good enough (yet) to implement entire features, but they are good enough to catch and fix small mistakes in code. Our data shows that teams that use Ellipsis merge pull requests 13% faster than those that don’t.

Typically, a developer will get a “Looks good to me!” from Ellipsis before asking for a peer review, resulting in a higher quality discussions with fewer [nit] comments.

Who built Ellipsis? 🚀

Nick and Hunter. Our investors include Y Combinator and many others.

We built Ellipsis because we are TIRED of the status quo code review process: create a PR, ask for review, move on to new task, receive feedback, reacquaint with old code, fix bug, go back to new task… there’s too much context switching. With Ellipsis, the reviews are nearly instant and addressing feedback doesn’t require checking out an old branch.

Start a free trial

Click here to start a free 7 day trial of AI Code Reviews & Bug Fixes