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Write code


Ellipsis converts your instructions into working, tested code.

Ellipsis can change multiple files, write hundreds of lines, and update it's implementation based on your feedback.

Note: We strongly suggest you provide a Dockerfile so Ellipsis can test the code that it writes. This'll allow Ellipsis to fix it's own mistakes. Learn more:

There are 3 ways to use Ellipsis for code generation:

From a PR

To have Ellipsis address feedback on a pull request, simply leave a comment (or a review) tagging @ellipsis-dev. Once you see the 👀, you'll know Ellipsis is working. img alt

From an issue

You can ask Ellipsis to implement an issue on Linear or GitHub. Simply leave a comment like "hey @ellipsis-dev can you implement this?" and wait for the response. Once you see the 👀, you'll know Ellipsis is working.

From Slack

Learn more here.