Ellipsis can generate working, tested code in response to your technical instructions. The resulting code is sent back to you in a pull request or as a commit.

Ellipsis can change multiple files, write hundreds of lines, and update its implementation based on your feedback. It’s like having a junior developer helping you out.

If you’re very clear in your instructions you can get a lot of value out of Ellipsis. Remember, Ellipsis can work on many workflows in parallel, so you can ask it to fix a bug while it’s working on a code review.

We strongly suggest you provide a Dockerfile so Ellipsis can test the code that it writes. This allows Ellipsis to fix its own mistakes before sending the code back to you.

Pull Requests: 1-Click Fixes

If Ellipsis comes accross and obvious bug during a code review, it’ll suggest a fix. Simply click the “Commit suggestion” button to have Ellipsis implement the fix.

Pull Request: Following Instructions

Leave a comment on a pull request with instructions for Ellipsis to follow. For example, you might say “hey @ellipsis-dev write a unit test for this method”.

Make sure your comment tags @ellipsis-dev. There is no autocomplete on GitHub. You can choose either “Start a review” or “Add single comment”. After posting, you’ll need to refresh the page after posting your comment to see the 👀, which means Ellipsis is working on your change.

The code change can be delivered via a new, side-PR, or Ellipsis can commit directly to the branch. Specify this using the configuration options below.

Implementing an Issue

You can ask Ellipsis to implement an issue on Linear or GitHub. Simply leave a comment like “hey @ellipsis-dev can you implement this?” and wait for the response. Once you see the 👀, you’ll know Ellipsis is working.

This is a powerful feature when paired with our implementation plans feature. You can ask Ellipsis to implement a feature, and it will create a list of tasks to complete the feature. You can then ask Ellipsis to implement each task one-by-one.

From Slack

Everything that’s available on GitHub can be done in Slack. We often see developers have a dialog with Ellipsis a few questions about a proposed change before asking Ellipsis to handle the implementation. Learn more here.
